قیمت اجاره BMW 520i در استانبول ترکیه

قیمت اجاره خودرو بدون راننده

Rent Rent a BMW 520i in Istanbul from RentKonim

3 to 6 days: 3,495 Turkish Lira
7 to 21 days: 3,485 Turkish Lira
More than 21 days: 3,475 Turkish Lira
مبلغ 8000 لیر برای دیپوزیت
Prices are up to date
Minimum rental time: 3 Daily

Rental BMW 520 in Istanbul

The BMW 520 is one of the luxury sedans available for rent in Istanbul. This car offers an enjoyable driving experience with its advanced technologies and attractive interior design. Comfortable suspension and fuel efficiency are other reasons for the popularity of the BMW 520 as a rental choice.